Matt Petersman
(513) 378-9326

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For Buyers
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For Investors
Avoid Foreclosure

Equal Housing Opportunity

MLS membership

REALTORŪ certification

Information for Buyers

With my experience in real estate investing, buyers can expect me to ensure that they are not overpaying for a property. I will thoroughly research all the comparable nearby properties and will only advise my buyer to pay less than fair market value for a property. I know how to bargain and how to spot a bargain and that has helped me be successful in my real estate investments and I enjoy helping others, whether it is purchasing a home, building a new home, or buying investment property.

With my experience in real estate financing, I can explain the alternatives to the standard 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Depending on your situation, there are better loans available. I can introduce you to knowledgable mortgage brokers that offer many more options than the limited loans a bank or mortgage company can offer.

And with my experience with the web, I setup each buyer (and seller) with a Client Portal website which automatically populates with new listings that match your search criteria (area, price, features, etc.). You can then keep track of the houses by saving the houses you like and rejecting the ones you don't. You can also make notes/comments on each house that we will both be able to see as well.

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Buying a Home

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